SnoozeShade and Snoo fitting tips
We have had an number of parents asking us if they can use a SnoozeShade product with the amazing Snoo...
What is the Snoo?
Well it's a cot - but like no other cot - it's the result of many years of research by American baby sleep scientist Dr Harvey Karp.
He is often referred to as "the baby whisperer" and he has written a best-selling book Happiest Baby on The Block.
The Snoo is an all singing all snoozing sleep machine - you can find out more about it here. Yes, it's very expensive but many parents rave about its sleep-inducing qualities.
Can SnoozeShade work with the Snoo?
Initially our answer was 'we don't know' but then a very kind customer offered to test it for us. She used one of our 6 month plus stroller shades and the version for travel cots.
She has taken some photos and we can see that both types of SnoozeShade can work - it all depends on what you prefer.
Now our answer is 'Yes and nicely'
You can use a SnoozeShade Plus (pictured) or SnoozeShade Plus Deluxe and then use on your pram or stroller.
Or you can use the travel cot version and yes it will be a bit big, but if you do as our clever mum did and put it on sideways the opening fits really neatly over the Snoo. Then when baby progresses to a normal travel cot (or you use one when on holiday) you can use the SnoozeShade on that too.