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The Loneliness of Motherhood

The Loneliness of Motherhood

There's no doubt that being a parent is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world, but there are times that it can feel lonely and isolating too. Recently, campaigners have started to speak out about the loneliness of motherhood, and we thought it would be helpful to share some tips on how to cope if you're affected. Please read on, and remember that you really aren't alone.

Being at home with the baby can be both a blessing and a curse. Spending precious time with little ones while they're young is something that we all crave throughout pregnancy, and often it's a time we won't ever get to repeat with them again. We're told constantly that we should make the most of it, but sometimes it's easier said than done! Sometimes motherhood means being home every single day, doing the same chores and listening to the same nursery rhymes, and things can become monotonous. It's easy to get into the routine of staying home and possibly even wallowing. So, stop!

Get outside every day if you can. This was the advice I was given and the advice that I always offer out to new parents. Not only does fresh air help to elevate your mood it can help little ones to sleep better too. Plus, there is always the chance of meeting other parents who might just be in the same boat as you. Leading on to our next tip...

Try baby and toddler groups

We wrote recently about baby and toddler groups and how they could help to counteract loneliness, and we truly believe you could at least give them a try. You might just meet a friend for life!

Enslist help and support

We all need a shoulder to cry on at times, and we all need someone to talk to when times are tough. More than that though, it can be nice to have some company on the 'normal' days too. Enlist the help and support of other parents you know, or friends and family who are around during the daytime too. And return the favour- remember you never know what others are experiencing at the same time as you, or whether they are finding the pressures of motherhood difficult too.

Speak out

Sometimes, being lonely can be hard to admit to. Speaking out takes courage, but remember that nothing will change if you don't do it. So let those close to you know how you're feeling and take steps together to make some changes.

Get online

These days friendships aren't just formed at baby and toddler groups. There are a whole host of online support groups and forums that have the added advantage of being open 24 hours a day. Make the most of it!

The loneliness of motherhood is not something that we tend to talk much about, but here at SnoozeShade HQ we think that has to change. Why not reach out to another mum to let them know how you're feeling- you might just find she says, 'Me too.'


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