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Tips for sleeping when away from home

Tips for sleeping when away from home

This is a guest post by @kerriesleepclub


You’ve done it. You’ve finally booked a weekend away after endless months stuck at home, bound by your nap schedule, sicky clothes and a never ending wash cycle. But now you’re panicking – how will my baby sleep anywhere other than at home?! What have I done...


Here is my list of top tips for you and your little one when sleeping away from home:


White noise machine – I have taken this everywhere with me! Even to the local high street! It’s an absolute essential item when I go away, it drowns out background noise, muffles people passing your hotel door and the portable ones are extra handy by the pool at nap time.


Be flexible with naps – in hotter countries your little one might be worn out quicker plus all the extra excitement and stimulation is sure to take a toll on them, adding in an extra nap might save any upset at bedtime and allow you some extra time together in the evening


Compact travel stroller – there is nothing worse than trying to dismantle a giant 47 part pram at the airport gate whilst your toddler runs in the opposite direction (speaking from experience...) There are so many collapsible travel prams that are so lightweight and easy, they’re an absolute must if you have young toddlers and babies that need to nap on days out, plus most airlines allow you to take a stroller and another baby item such as a car seat or travel cot for free!


Routine & consistency – you’re away on holiday, of course you don’t need to stick to a strict timed routine, you’re there to enjoy time away with your family with no pressure. Little children can’t tell the time but they can pick up on patterns, just making sure your bedtime routine is in the same order as at home can help things feel consistent and safe, and can help ease your baby into their new surroundings.


Snoozeshade – the ultimate necessity! The dream combo for me is the SnoozeShade Plus extra for strollers and the SnoozeShade for travel cots meaning you don’t need to spend time taping foil or shower curtains to your hotel room window, and you also don’t need to leave the beach at nap time! 


A sneaky 6th tip - try and enjoy your time away, any mishaps can be fixed when you’re home! So, order a cocktail and try not to worry about sleep too much!





I’m Kerrie! A working mum of an almost ‘threenager’ who has been through his fair share of night wakings, regressions and the dreaded 4am starts! I’m an infant sleep coach helping tired parents of 0-7 year old’s get more sleep, I’m based in Surrey but coach parents all over the country!



Use code 'SNOOZESHADE' for 20% off on selected packages:

Dream Package

(1:1 consultation, tailored sleep plan with 3 weeks support & 3 x follow up calls - usually £279)

Mini Dream Package

(1:1 consultation, tailored sleep plan with 1 week support & 1 x follow up call - usually £179)

Newborn Support Package

(1:1 consultation with 1 week support & 1 x follow up call - usually £149)



Find the right SnoozeShade for your baby

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