Take part in our SnoozeShade sleep survey

Thank you so much for taking part in our sleep survey. We know that how a baby sleeps in the first few years can have a big impact on everyone in (and around) the whole family. It is after all why I invented SnoozeShade in the first place!
I suffered from post natal depression and was told by my health visitor, doctor and friends how helpful it would be for me to get out of the house. However, when we skipped one of Holly's naps a few too many times it often meant I suffered at night when she wouldn't sleep as well. This led me to choose to stay in rather than risk a nightly meltdown.
So I want to do this survey so we can share the results and reassure parents that it is quite normal and there are ways to get out of the house at naptime or in the evening with baby happily snoozing in tow!
I hope you enjoy taking this survey as much as I did putting it together!
PS As a thank you for taking the survey, we will put you into a draw to win one of 10 x £20 Amazon gift vouchers