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New year's sleep resolutions

6 Great New Year's Sleep Resolutions

Happy New Year!

Are you making any New Year’s resolutions this year?

If you're anything like millions of other parents across the world, you might be hoping to get a little more sleep this year. If that's the case, perhaps it's time to make some New Year's sleep resolutions. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Try To Not Let It Become An Obsession

Ok, so you're not getting much sleep at the moment and that's pretty rubbish but try not to get too hung up on it. Sleep IS important but accepting your baby’s sleep patterns can help you come to terms with it. Newborns have small tummies that need filling up regularly, which is why they wake up frequently and there is little you can do about it. If you spend all your energy trying to get your newborn to sleep for longer than four hours at a time, you're just likely to get yourself worked up about it.

Understand ‘Sleeping Through’

You might be interested to know that sleep experts define the phrase 'sleeping through the night' as five hours’ continuous sleep.

Read more on the truth about sleeping through the night here.

Understand Sleep Cues

It’s a fact that good daytime naps help to promote good night time sleep. Watch your baby for sleep cues through the day and act on them straight away. Typical sleep cues include:

  • yawning
  • rubbing eyes and pulling ears
  • fussiness
  • irritability
  • crying
  • refusal to look at you

If you act on the sleep cues when they appear, you lessen the risk of your baby becoming over-tired and more difficult to settle.

Baby Sleep New Year Resolutions

Boss Your Baby Bedtime Routine

A bad bedtime routine can play havoc on your baby’s sleeping habits. If you think yours could do with some tweaking, now's the time to do it. A good bedtime routine can work wonders for sleep and it’s never too late to get started!

Understand How Much Sleep Your Baby Needs

It's no secret that babies need more sleep than we do, but it helps to have an idea of roughly how much they need so that you can address any issues you feel they have. For a quick guide to sleep patterns, see this post.

How much sleep does your baby need? Find out here

Sort Your Own Sleeping Habits

It's all too easy to blame tiredness on the kids. Children are tiring and those early mornings and night wakings take their toll. However, it might pay to look at your sleeping habits too. If you’re going to bed late, your baby is waking in the night and then waking you up early too, this can be hard. If you can, take a nap or rest during the day when your little one is sleeping. If not, a few early nights might just be the best New Year's Resolution you can make.

Have you made any new year's sleep resolutions?
We'd love to hear them! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to join in the conversation!

Further Reading:

How to Handle Holiday Disruptions to Your Baby's Sleep
Great Sleep Tips for Babies at Christmas
Seven Tips for Mastering Your Baby's Sleep Routine Over Christmas

Free baby sleep tips according to your baby's age

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